Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Soft heart, beware: those pretty blue bruises
We are the same, adorned with different colored paper
Sensibilities on hyper-tension
We watch the same painting, enthralled
And yet I see nothing but the sky
And he, nothing but the sea

I am Venus, he Mars
4 days a week
I am Mars, he, Venus
A blessing and a bane

One look and a mouthless voice screams
I am a strange bird
Loved: the pretty feathers! Mars-like quality!
Novelty that soon wears off

And along with the newness dies the indulgence
I am now: cold, heartless, uncaring, selfish

Once sugar-coated in brilliant feathers
Now an ugly monster
Shunned and feared

My only mistake
That first responding smile
My person, intact
My vision now skewed.


Anonymous said...

You have nice blog.I found your blog via seaching the net.
I`m from Iran.this is my blog address:

L said...

Thanks for the comment Marzia. I checked out your blog but unfortunately I can't read Persian. I wish I could!